Thursday, April 23, 2009

We Are Here! We Are Here!

Just like the town of Whoville yelling, "We are here!" I fell like doing the same. We are all moved into our place and settling into paradise like a family of troopers! I really have so much more to do, but wanted to post some pics of the place and give you a tour so to speak. Hope all is well with all of you...(unless your Jodi, there is no hope for you sweetie!)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy 8th Jamen

Yesterday was my baby's 8th birthday. Jamen laughs when I call him baby, but he will always be my baby. He began his life by letting us know how it would be with him...labor for 20 plus hours, then his heart all but stops and then he is delivered by an emergency c-section at which time he is blue, the nurse said she knew he would make it because he smiled at her...that's my Jamen. Lots of work and scares, followed by miracles and more joy than you can possibly dream of. I adore this boy of mine and can't believe he is 8! It goes so fast, may I never forget it...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's A Good Thing He Is Cute

My little Micah is such a joy and such a handful! He loves to make messes, loves to be outside, and worships (and I am not exaggerating) his dad. If he had a full time person just to watch him and do nothing else he would still find a way to get into mischief...It's just a good thing he is so cute!
FYI-The one with the tooth brush and paste is Micah hiding in my closet trying to pull one over on me. The black on his face is a whole tube of mascara...