Monday, November 9, 2009

I Learned My Lesson...Until Next Time

I can't tell you how I looked forward to this past week. I already mentioned the 15 hours that I had planned to spend with hubby, but there was even more. I got to have lunch with my college roomies. These are some of my favorite people on the planet. We can go months without seeing each other and sort of start out where we left off. I could never tire of visiting with them. There are four of us and a total (for now) of 17 children! We share each other's joys and struggles, it was a blast. So then I headed to the hotel to meet Lyndon for our magical 15 hours. I thought I would start with a little workout. I was feeling a little yucky, but by the end I was wheezing like a first time runner after a mile...Decided to ignore it and got ready for our date. I was feeling a little crummy through the dinner, but still ignoring...Heck, I was on a date for Pete's sake. I was bursting with pride to be sitting with my cute husband who was nominated as engineer of the year for the state of Utah. He didn't win (thank goodness for him, he hates recognition), but I am well aware that he should have! After the dinner we went to a movie, I spent the whole time trying not to cough and having some guy look at me like I was personally coughing in his popcorn...after it was over I could neither talk nor breathe...Lyndon gave me some Nyquil, we slept a few hours and then hurried home because Grayson (who wasn't sick when I left him) was now running a fever of 103...
The next morning, after missing my nephew's baptism because we had to leave mid warm fuzzy talk because of one sick mommy and three sick babies I was feeling much better. Lyndon assured me he could handle the sickies and encouraged me to keep my plans to go to St. George for the weekend. Long story short-I ended up in the St Goerge ER in the middle of the night (Nicole, I am so, so, so sorry) with pneumonia. So after totally germing up my friend and her family I made it home Sunday sick with a house full of sick people. Lyndon took Gray to the ER as soon as I got home---he has a nasty case of the croupe. Kyle sounds like a seal with a cold, Gray is pretty near comatose and I feel awful. The Moral of the Story: This mom should NEVER leave the house without her children. I think I have learned my lesson...


EE said...

Shame shame, don't say that. Every mom deserves to get out. It just has been very unlucky for you lately. I loved seeing you for lunch and I'm so sorry about the rest of the weekend. Love ya.

Piper said...

I feel bad for you, really I do. But I can't help but think that this will benefit me. In my mind it means that when I finally convince you to come and visit me you will have to bring all of those handsome boys with you so that I can love on them. I hope everyone gets better and happy.

LC said...

Oh no! seriously pneumonia? How awful. I hope you are all better. If I wasn't such a paranoid germiphobe hypochondriac I'd come feed you chicken broth :)

Perla said...

oh no! that is soo sad! i hope and pray you will all get healthy very soon!!!

Janette said...

Hope you're better!